Distance Travel for Tantric Yoni Session

Long Distance Travel to Inspired Touch.


Many women reach out and some feel they are too far away from my Jupiter address to schedule a session. Here is what a few have done to make it work.

Many of my sessions have been done after someone has driven a long distance – they are stressed from driving but usually relax right into the zone once the massage begins. The knowledge of the drive back might stay in their mind though and can sometimes make it hard to get into the perfect relaxed state. I want everything to be perfect for your session, so here are a few thoughts.

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Cannabis for Better Sex for Women

Better Sex for Women with Cannabis


The research is thin, but anecdotal experience suggests that the right dose and delivery method can make a positive difference for some people.

Artwork of a naked womans body looking from the knees upward.

To learn more about cannabis and sex we turned to several experts, including a gynecologist who has surveyed women about their marijuana use.

The bottom line: It’s hard to say with certainty that cannabis will increase desire or improve your sex life, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the right dose of cannabis can make a woman’s orgasms more satisfying and increase sex drive. This is in part because cannabis can enhance the senses and also alleviate some of the symptoms that inhibit desire, like anxiety, sleeplessness or pain.

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Skin Hunger

Skin Hunger


Human touch is essential.

How are people coping with skin hunger or touch deprivation?

Studies show physical contact with other people reduces feelings of stress. Evolutionary psychologists say it can all be traced back to our monkey ancestry. Grooming each other’s fur is how apes build friendships. Humans have substituted that grooming with stroking and cuddling, he says and that act of physical touch has a profound effect on our health.

Not only does it build friendships directly and indirectly, but those friendships have a dramatic effect on your well-being, your general health, your ability to recover from illnesses and even your longevity.” 

So many rules about preventing the spread of the corona-virus warn against touching other people. Just as a stomach needs a proper amount of food to thrive, a human’s largest sensory organ (your skin) has a need for physical contact.

Finger tips in a small bottle of oil

What kind of effect does this lack of human touch have on people?

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Lockdown, Libido and Intimacy

These are stressful times we’re living in!


And stress can really shut down libido. Maybe it’s your libido, maybe it’s your partners; or perhaps both.

Stressed woman looking away from partner who is not paying attention.

Further, pandemic stress isn’t any old type of stress. For many people, it’s financial stress, which is a type of survival stress and it can have a negative effect on your body’s ability or interest in touching. Survival stress sends the body into a state of fight or flight, so the only thing that matters is survival, not procreating; We become hormonally less interested in sex.

If you and your partner aren’t having sex but want to boost intimacy Sensual Touch can help. Intimacy has many forms.

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Half the World Has a Clitoris – I Study It

Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why Don’t Doctors Study It?


The organ is “completely ignored by pretty much everyone,” medical experts say, and that omission can be devastating to women’s sexual health.

This New York Times Article is worth checking out.

By Rachel E. Gross

If there was one thing Gillian knew, it was that she did not want a hole punch anywhere near her genitals.

So when, in 2018, a gynecologist recommended a vulval biopsy to check for signs of cancer, she hesitated. The doctor suspected that the whitish speck of skin that Gillian had found next to her clitoris was lichen sclerosus, a skin condition that is usually benign. To Gillian, a registered nurse, taking a chunk out of her most sensitive body part sounded a bit extreme.

But in the end she consented. He was a doctor; she was a nurse. She assumed he was the authority on this part of the body. “I never worked in OB-GYN before,” said Gillian, who asked to be identified by her first name to protect her privacy. “I was pretty clueless.”

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Yoni Massage for Pregnant Women

Yoni Massage by Inspired Touch for Pregnant Women


Tantric Massages for Pregnant Women

Often a husband shies away from making love to his pregnant wife because he believes she or the fetus could be injured. As it happens a pregnant woman’s libido is on the increase and not getting any attention in that area is not going to help her stress levels.

Masturbation as an alternative is nice but, being stimulated is much better.

Sexy Massage for Pregnant Women

Yoni Massage for Pregnant Women Tantric Massages for Pregnant Women

So maybe you don’t feel so sexy… but you are. You glow when you are pregnant, and your skin and body are in amazing shape – ready to experience some relaxation and stress relief. You will be thankful for the attention and sleep like a baby afterward.

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The Difference Tantra & Tantric by Inspired Touch

The Difference Tantra & Tantric


Basically, the two words are the same and being used interchangeably in western vocabulary.

Tantra is one of the modern sexual buzzwords that is being used today to describe a more open approach to growth, enlightenment, life and living.

It’s the topic of many books, some are very simple and others show complex positions and breathing techniques, in fact almost every book written about sex today has a chapter on Tantra or refers to Tantra in some way. However, there is not much clarity on what Tantra or Tantric sex is all about.

Drawing of woman in yoga position.

Searching: Tantra Massage near me? The universe has led you to James!

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Sex Life After Childbirth by Inspired Touch

Sex Life After Child Birth


It’s the dirty little secret of baby-making: After nine long months, you’re overwhelmed by the love you feel for your newborn — and shocked to find how much havoc that bundle of joy is wreaking in the bedroom. If you’re feeling less than lusty after having a baby, you’re not alone.

“It’s completely normal for both women and men’s libido to hit a rock-bottom low during the first six to nine months following the birth of your baby,”

You don’t need to throw your sex life out with the bathwater. Here are a few secrets to help you dust off your sexuality post-baby.

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The Benefits of Inspired Touch Massage

The Benefits of Massage


  • Enhances health and nourishment of the skin.
  • Touch can help refocus & rejuvenate your mind, body & spirit.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Oil and friction removes an external layer of dry, dead skin.
  • Reduces effects of stress.
  • Increases circulation.
  • Helps to remove toxins from skin and muscles.
  • Stimulates the nervous & endocrine systems that are responsible for relaxing the body & mind.
  • Reduces or relieves chronic pain.
  • Reduces fatigue and muscle tension.
  • Increases flexibility of soft tissue & joints.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Creates greater joint flexibility.
NUDE woman in shadows -Sensual Massage Erotic Massage

Searching: Yoni Massage Therapist? The universe has sent you to James!

Orgasmic Meditation by Inspired Touch in WPB

Orgasmic Meditation for Women in West Palm Beach


Focus on mindful meditation while being brought to Orgasm

For women who are not familiar, OM (orgasic meditation) is a sequenced practice in which one person gently strokes the other’s clitoris. The “stroking” allegedly activates the limbic system and releases a flood of oxytocin. Some say the result is said to be therapeutic, rather than sexual – but I say, if you are there why not go the distance.

Nude female body with sea shell in front of the vulva

While most of the trendy services offering OM charge hefty fees to experience and learn the Art of OM – my sessions are free of charge and no tip is required.

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Kundalini Awakening by Inspired Touch in West Palm Beach

Kundalini Awakening


Massaging the Lower Back and Spine during Sensual Erotic Session

Spinal stimulation to awaken latent energies for sexual awakening and spiritual transformation.  

What is Kundalini ?

Your Kundalini is your sexual and spiritual energy that lies usually dormant at the base of your spine. Once activated and coaxed upward it supports the unblocking of your chakras and the awakening of latent abilities in your body, mind and spirit.

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