Long Distance Travel to Inspired Touch.
Many women reach out and some feel they are too far away from my Jupiter address to schedule a session. Here is what a few have done to make it work.
Many of my sessions have been done after someone has driven a long distance – they are stressed from driving but usually relax right into the zone once the massage begins. The knowledge of the drive back might stay in their mind though and can sometimes make it hard to get into the perfect relaxed state. I want everything to be perfect for your session, so here are a few thoughts.

Several of my long-distance visitors take a room or an Airbnb for an overnight stay. This can break up the drive over two days instead of trying to do it all in one day. This seems to work out the best. I have had visitors from Orlando, Miami and even one who flew in from another state.
I guarantee it will be worth the travel and the stress release will be much better if you don’t have to think about the drive back.
I also have a low-salt hot tub so usually after you arrive from the drive a 15-minute soak will bring you right into peacefulness. Another option is a quick shower to rinse off the road.

“James was very understanding and let me take my time until I felt comfortable. He predicted that I would feel better once we started – he was 100% right. James makes sure that the focus is all about you and he is EXTREMELY skilled with his hands.”
“The session was incredibly relaxing, and as predicted, my nervousness diminished quickly. As he worked his way over my body, I surprised myself at how quickly I could be turned on, and how much I wanted it – long before he was ready to give it. I won’t spill his secrets, but James knows what he’s doing. He takes his time, and it was amazing to feel this way. It really was all about me.”
“James made me feel safe, secure and relaxed. I didn’t feel rushed or pressured to do anything. He made me orgasm in a way I didn’t even think was possible! And then my favorite part was at the end where he hugged and held me. I felt so loved.”