The Principal Behind Tantric Massage
The basic principle behind Tantric massage is one of surrender.
Both the giver and the recipient surrender into the process. It helps in relieving blockages of different kinds be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.

Within us we are habituated in carrying so many traumas and preconceived notions around our genitals and our sexuality, that it often brings us negativity. So, the main purpose of tantra massage is to heal that trauma around our sexuality and make harmony within the whole body so that we can live life in its full potential of sex and super consciousness together.
The goal of Tantric massage is to enter into a separate state of consciousness where both the participants feel more energized and blissful.
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What are the benefits?
- One gets better health, vigor and vitality
- It is effective as a treatment of sexual dysfunction in men as well as women
- It serves to open blocked emotions and clean our emotional pathways
- One receives contentment and joy
- It may lead to the spark of spiritual awakening
- The mind becomes clearer and stress is greatly reduced
- Makes one relax to the heart’s content
Steps of tantric massage
- Communication – Take some time to discuss with each other your fears, boundaries and anxieties. Make sure that your partner understands what you need to resolve before you being the massage. Once the massage begins and the recipient is placed in an altered state of consciousness there cannot be any changes about the end goals of the massage.
- Time – it is important to set a limit for duration of the massage. This helps to determine how far the recipient will travel on their journey to find themselves.
- Giving vs Receiving – Decide whether you wish to give or receive. It may also be both.
- Preparing the space –Create a suitable ambience with soft lights, aroma, soft light and a temperature that is suitable to wearing minimal amount of clothing.

Role of the receiver
The receiver must breathe slowly and deeply with their abdomen. Exhale with the mouth as this would awaken your consciousness and make your experience many times more enjoyable.
If a particular touch does not seem soothing, breathe in and relax and try and find if it can be made more pleasant by dropping all obstructions. But if it is not happening do not hesitate to let your partner know.
Be flexible and do not become stiff. Make sounds if needed since this is a way of letting your partner know if you are feeling better.
Role of the giver
Use your heart and feel the connection with the receiver. Breathe in love from the receiver through your left hand and channel it through your heart. Next breathe it out through your right hand and into the receiver. This sets up a loop of energy that travels back and forth.
Imagine in your mind that the body is new to you and massaging is like exploring an unknown country. Instead of seeing limbs and torso and skin and bones see curves and shadows, light playing between shapes. Let your touch be a nurturing one. Let it be full of compassion and love. Make sure to touch every chakra.