Tantric Transformation Journey

Among the many benefits of practicing tantric sex, tantric healing may be the most powerful—specifically when it comes to healing from sexual trauma.


What is tantric healing?

Tantric healing, most often performed through tantric massage, is a form of hands-on bodywork that has been developed by modern tantrics in the last few decades. Unlike other forms of massage, this sacred practice incorporates the tantric essence of shakti, or energy. When skillfully incorporating this universal force into a massage, it can touch the deepest layers and aspects of a human being and be a profound instrument of spiritual and emotional healing. Most notably, tantric healing is believed to remove energetic blockages related to sexual trauma. Some health experts believe trauma can be stored in the body, and physical therapeutic modalities—like tantric massage—can help heal those emotional wounds by “releasing” that trauma.

Our sexual energy can be healing energy.

Energy is the building block of our universe. There are many types of energy, but one that is super potent—like the uranium in a nuclear reactor—is our sexual energy. Most people aren’t aware of how to take their sexual energy beyond their genitals. There are many forms of tantric massage focused on the genitals that yield great sexual benefits, such as lingam massage (tantric massage for the penis), yoni massage (tantric massage for the vulva), and tantric masturbation.

But tantric massage used for tantric healing focuses on improving emotional and spiritual well-being. Through tantric massage, a person can cleanse and open up vital energetic gateways so there is an open channel for the energy to flow through. It also teaches the energy to start flowing upward. In this process, a skilled practitioner executing the massage can unlock the extraordinary healing benefits of a person’s sexual energy. By using their own energy in a deliberate way, a therapist can arouse the energy of another person and teach it how to behave in a specific way to achieve a specific purpose.

Please let James know if your desires include the spiritual side of tantra. There is a different approach that is used for you to experience the session in a more elevated spiritual place.

Best Orgasm of My Life – Inspired Touch Yoni Massage

Yoni Massage and the Best Orgasm of My Life

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“I got an erotic yoni massage and had the best orgasm of my life.”

I have a weird relationship to tantra. I find the spiritual or new age-y side of it a bit off-putting. But people promoting tantric principles or lifestyles take sex and sexual pleasure very seriously, and because of that I can’t resist looking into it.

Masturbating while visualizing balls of energy? No thanks. Open and sexually liberated people bringing focused attention to sex? Yes, please!

Recently, my research led me to yoni massages — massages focused on the vulva and vagina.

Yoni massage best orgasm of my life.
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Anorgasmia in Women

Pre-Orgasmia in Women

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Anorgasmia is delayed, infrequent or absent orgasms — or significantly less-intense orgasms — after sexual arousal and adequate sexual stimulation. Women who have problems with orgasms and who feel significant distress about those problems may be diagnosed with anorgasmia.

I’d rather call it Pre-Orgasmia as I believe all women can orgasm in time, so it is really the state before the first orgasm. Basically, to awaken the orgasm.

Among all women, the frequency and intensity of orgasms vary. Also, for any individual, orgasms can be different from one time to the next. The type and amount of stimulation needed to have an orgasm also varies.

Multiple factors may lead to pre-orgasmia. These include relationship or intimacy issues, cultural factors, physical or medical conditions, and medications. Treatments can include education about sexual stimulation, sexual enhancement devices, individual or couple therapy, and medications.

Female orgasmic disorder is another term for the spectrum of problems with orgasms. The word “anorgasmia” specifically refers to not being able to have an orgasm, but it’s also used as shorthand for female orgasmic disorders. The term “pre-orgasmia” refers to the period prior to the first Orgasm.

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Experience Full Body Orgasmic Bliss

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Experience Orgasmic Bliss Full Body

Almost every woman can have an orgasm. All you need is the right technique and the ability to remove the mental obstacles that get in your way and prevent you from climaxing. Even if you can orgasm you may be able to enhance your climaxing by finding new ways to come. Ways you may not know even exist; including, but not limited to, multiple, squirt and back wall.

Mental Obstacles That Can Get in Your Way


To relieve stress we start with a relaxing sensual massage with a lot of skin to skin contact. Soft music and a clean safe location help to make the massage more like foreplay.

Trying to “force” the orgasm

If you are in a hurry or thinking about other things you may end up trying too hard to have an orgasm. Putting pressure on yourself to orgasm is obviously going to work against you and make it harder to cum. This relaxing massage will take your thoughts away and allow you to relax and be in the moment.

Being distressed about not being able to orgasm

It can be a vicious cycle. Those who find it hard to come may end up being distressed about it and that may keep them from achieving orgasm easily. You deserve them and lots of them. With the relaxing massage start you can just relax into the entire process and allow the feelings to come more naturally.

Performance Anxiety

You don’t have to perform at all – you just relax and allow it all to happen. There is no partner to have to please and no one expecting anything in return. This is all about you and allowing you to let go.

Negative past experiences

Having past negative experiences like an abusive boyfriend who only cared about his own pleasure can make it difficult for you to focus on your own sexual gratification in new situations. This will be like something you have never experienced before – so you can let all the past go. Many women who have had trauma or abuse in connection with their sexual past find this type of session a way to let go and reconnect to themselves. They find out that it is possible to be gently taking through foreplay, into the erotic zones and even find “trust” again.

Anxiety about whether you have a normal vagina

Every woman is different – I know I have worked with thousands. You are uniquely you. You don’t have to worry over being different or normal. There is no normal for all women – there is only normal you and that is already you.

Having a vaginal orgasm will become far easier if you can get yourself into a relaxed state of mind, unencumbered by stress or worry or performance anxiety.

Clitoral orgasms tend to be more common during intercourse, and less than half of women have regular vaginal orgasms during intercourse. Of the women who report having vaginal orgasms, many find them to be much more intense and satisfying than clitoral orgasms.

Slow or Fast

Another myth that perpetuates is that faster is always better. You probably already know how untrue this is. A more accurate description is that the right rhythm for you is the best right rhythm. Finding a fast, slow or medium paced rhythm is a critical part of having vaginal orgasms.

You’ll also find that a steady rhythm is much more preferable than stopping and starting or going from fast to slow or vice-versa.

Final words

The final thing to say on achieving orgasms with James is that you need to talk to him. As cheesy as it may sound, communication is key. When you can share tips with him on what you enjoy and, what is pleasing you in the moment, you will quickly get in sync and find having multiple orgasms to be easier and easier.

Woman's eyes during massage

What’s is the Difference Between Yoni, Lingam, and Tantric Massage?

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Allow me to take you on a sensual journey and illuminate the differences between yoni massage, lingam massage, and tantric massage.

Let’s start with yoni massage, shall we? Yoni is a Sanskrit word that means “sacred space” and is commonly used to refer to the female genitalia. Yoni massage is an intimate massage technique that focuses on the vulva and vagina. The primary goal of yoni massage is to help the receiver connect with their feminine energy, release tension, experience sexual healing and expand their orgasmic potential.

Now, let’s move on to lingam massage. Lingam is a Sanskrit word that means “wand of light” and is commonly used to refer to the male genitalia. Lingam massage is a sensual and erotic massage technique that focuses on the penis. The primary goal of lingam massage is to help the receiver experience deep relaxation, release sexual tension, and expand their orgasmic potential.

Finally, let’s talk about tantric massage. Tantric massage is an ancient practice that originated in India and is based on the principles of tantra. Tantric massage is a holistic massage technique that incorporates the entire body, not just the genitals. The primary goal of tantric massage is to help the receiver connect with their innermost self, release physical, spiritual and emotional tension, and experience profound pleasure.

In summary, yoni massage focuses on the vulva and vagina, lingam massage focuses on the penis, and tantric massage is a holistic massage technique that incorporates the entire body. Each of these massage techniques has its unique benefits and can help the receiver experience deep relaxation, release tension, and connect with their innermost self.

Seven Good Reasons for Massage After the Holidays

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If the holidays have given you physical aches or stress overload, a sensual yoni massage session might be the perfect solution. There’s no better gift you can give yourself than the gift of relaxation, serenity and wellness.

Sensual Massage offers numerous physical and mental benefits that allow you to fully enjoy the after-holidays slow down and be more present in the moment. Here are seven reasons you should treat yourself to a massage session after the holiday season:

  • Self-Care: During the holidays, you spend so much time doing for others that it’s wise to invest in yourself and your well-being.
  • Pain Relief: Massage relaxes your muscles, reducing nerve pressure and inflammation. This helps decrease pain levels naturally and without drugs.
  • Stress Reduction: Reducing pain and stiffness in your body lowers your physical stress levels. Massage also boosts your serotonin and dopamine levels, helping you relax and release mental stress.
  • Increased Mobility: A massage enhances the elasticity of your muscles, increasing your range of motion.
  • Stronger Muscles: Massage allows your muscles to function more effectively, making them more resilient and resistant to injury.
  • Better Sleep: Massage lowers cortisol and stimulates serotonin, which aids in melatonin production. Melatonin regulates your sleep patterns. Melatonin allows you to rest, recover, and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Overall Wellness: Massage provides lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety and depression, flushes toxins, improves circulation, and strengthens the immune system.

Tantric, erotic and yoni sessions have the added benefit of taking special care to focus on your orgasms. Relax well into your genital releases and you will sleep like a baby.

The Inspired Touch Tantric Massage

The Principal Behind Tantric Massage

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The basic principle behind Tantric massage is one of surrender.

Both the giver and the recipient surrender into the process. It helps in relieving blockages of different kinds be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.

Within us we are habituated in carrying so many traumas and preconceived notions around our genitals and our sexuality, that it often brings us negativity. So, the main purpose of tantra massage is to heal that trauma around our sexuality and make harmony within the whole body so that we can live life in its full potential of sex and super consciousness together.

The goal of Tantric massage is to enter into a separate state of consciousness where both the participants feel more energized and blissful.

Searching: Sensual Massage near me? The universe has led you to James!

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Benefits of Tantric or Tantra Massage

Benefits of Tantric Massage

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Stress & Relaxation

Tantric or Tantra massage is very relaxing by nature. Every part of the session will take you deeper into a state of relaxation, making it one of the best therapies to use when dealing with stress. 

Tantric massage can be very exciting, but you will still feel utterly comfortable throughout the session. The sense of security allows your body and mind to fully relax and regenerate energy quickly. As a result, you can feel your stress – and the issues causing the stress in the first place – slip away.

Improve Sexual Drive and Energy

Tantric massage is also very sensual due to the sensual nature of Tantra itself. Among the many benefits you can enjoy from a session of Tantric massage is improved sexual drive and energy. As each stimulation is delivered across your body, you will feel your inner sexual energy developing exponentially.

Searching: Tantric Massage near me? The universe has sent you to James!

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The Kama Sutra or Kamasutra

What Is Kama Sutra – Kamasutra?

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The term Kama Sutra comes from an ancient Hindu textbook written in Sanskrit about erotic love called The Kamasutra. Very little is known about its author, Vatsyayana Mallanga, other than his name. It was written probably sometime in the third century.

Contrary to popular belief, The Kamasutra is not only a book about lovemaking and different sex positions. It covers other topics such as the art of living well, the nature of love, finding a life partner, and taking care of your love life. The sexual concepts that most people associate with the Kama Sutra became known in Western culture at the end of the 19th century, with the adaptation of the Kamasutra manual by a British explorer named Richard Francis Burton.

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The Healing Power of Hugs

What is the Healing Power of Hugs

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In the last few years we have seen a decline in hugging, a result of the social distancing that accompanied COVID-19. Not having the physical touch of hugs or other comforting gestures can negatively impact our health.

The simple gesture of compassion – a hug is actually a prescription for better brain health and wellness.

Hugging is an intimate gesture that brings two people together. The person receiving the hug gets a silent message from the hugger, “You matter to me, you are not alone, I’m here.” The emotional impact of this small act is amazing.

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Cannabis for Better Sex for Women

Better Sex for Women with Cannabis

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The research is thin, but anecdotal experience suggests that the right dose and delivery method can make a positive difference for some people.

Artwork of a naked womans body looking from the knees upward.

To learn more about cannabis and sex we turned to several experts, including a gynecologist who has surveyed women about their marijuana use.

The bottom line: It’s hard to say with certainty that cannabis will increase desire or improve your sex life, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the right dose of cannabis can make a woman’s orgasms more satisfying and increase sex drive. This is in part because cannabis can enhance the senses and also alleviate some of the symptoms that inhibit desire, like anxiety, sleeplessness or pain.

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What Is Your Lifestyle

What Best Describes Your Life Style?

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Lifestyle is a word used to describe people’s day to day activities. But what are these lifestyles really?

As a broad definition we can break the word down into several categories.

  • Adventuristic Lifestyle
  • Hedonistic Lifestyle
  • Individualistic Lifestyle
  • Promethean Lifestyle


This tends to be characterised by new experiences. You tend to be constantly on the hunt for something new, whether doing or seeing new things. An adventuristic lifestyle is a continuous chain of surprises and learning experiences, you are ever pushing to experience and learn something about yourself and the world.


This is more on the pleasurable side of life, you are all about the pleasures, let it be simple or big that is the drive of this lifestyle. Mainly characterized by hedonism (the pursuit of pleasure, self-indulgence), the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.


As the name suggests this lifestyle is driven by one’s individuality, favouring the individual needs over those of groups.


Taken from Prometheus, a Titan from Greek Mythology. The Lifestyle denotes one who is boldly creative or defiantly original in behavior or actions. Those that dawn this lifestyle, live to be extraordinary as they choose not to pursue the life the same way others do.

Skin Hunger

Skin Hunger

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Human touch is essential.

How are people coping with skin hunger or touch deprivation?

Studies show physical contact with other people reduces feelings of stress. Evolutionary psychologists say it can all be traced back to our monkey ancestry. Grooming each other’s fur is how apes build friendships. Humans have substituted that grooming with stroking and cuddling, he says and that act of physical touch has a profound effect on our health.

Not only does it build friendships directly and indirectly, but those friendships have a dramatic effect on your well-being, your general health, your ability to recover from illnesses and even your longevity.” 

So many rules about preventing the spread of the corona-virus warn against touching other people. Just as a stomach needs a proper amount of food to thrive, a human’s largest sensory organ (your skin) has a need for physical contact.

Finger tips in a small bottle of oil

What kind of effect does this lack of human touch have on people?

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Lockdown, Libido and Intimacy

These are stressful times we’re living in!

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And stress can really shut down libido. Maybe it’s your libido, maybe it’s your partners; or perhaps both.

Stressed woman looking away from partner who is not paying attention.

Further, pandemic stress isn’t any old type of stress. For many people, it’s financial stress, which is a type of survival stress and it can have a negative effect on your body’s ability or interest in touching. Survival stress sends the body into a state of fight or flight, so the only thing that matters is survival, not procreating; We become hormonally less interested in sex.

If you and your partner aren’t having sex but want to boost intimacy Sensual Touch can help. Intimacy has many forms.

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Yoni Massage for Pregnant Women

Yoni Massage by Inspired Touch for Pregnant Women

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Tantric Massages for Pregnant Women

Often a husband shies away from making love to his pregnant wife because he believes she or the fetus could be injured. As it happens a pregnant woman’s libido is on the increase and not getting any attention in that area is not going to help her stress levels.

Masturbation as an alternative is nice but, being stimulated is much better.

Sexy Massage for Pregnant Women

Yoni Massage for Pregnant Women Tantric Massages for Pregnant Women

So maybe you don’t feel so sexy… but you are. You glow when you are pregnant, and your skin and body are in amazing shape – ready to experience some relaxation and stress relief. You will be thankful for the attention and sleep like a baby afterward.

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The Difference Tantra & Tantric by Inspired Touch

The Difference Tantra & Tantric

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Basically, the two words are the same and being used interchangeably in western vocabulary.

Tantra is one of the modern sexual buzzwords that is being used today to describe a more open approach to growth, enlightenment, life and living.

It’s the topic of many books, some are very simple and others show complex positions and breathing techniques, in fact almost every book written about sex today has a chapter on Tantra or refers to Tantra in some way. However, there is not much clarity on what Tantra or Tantric sex is all about.

Drawing of woman in yoga position.

Searching: Tantra Massage near me? The universe has led you to James!

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Sex Life After Childbirth by Inspired Touch

Sex Life After Child Birth

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It’s the dirty little secret of baby-making: After nine long months, you’re overwhelmed by the love you feel for your newborn — and shocked to find how much havoc that bundle of joy is wreaking in the bedroom. If you’re feeling less than lusty after having a baby, you’re not alone.

“It’s completely normal for both women and men’s libido to hit a rock-bottom low during the first six to nine months following the birth of your baby,”

You don’t need to throw your sex life out with the bathwater. Here are a few secrets to help you dust off your sexuality post-baby.

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Kundalini Awakening by Inspired Touch in West Palm Beach

Kundalini Awakening

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Massaging the Lower Back and Spine during Sensual Erotic Session

Spinal stimulation to awaken latent energies for sexual awakening and spiritual transformation.  

What is Kundalini ?

Your Kundalini is your sexual and spiritual energy that lies usually dormant at the base of your spine. Once activated and coaxed upward it supports the unblocking of your chakras and the awakening of latent abilities in your body, mind and spirit.

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